b r e a t h w o r k

Our breath is our most powerful innate tool for healing, awakening, and transformation.

  • Breathwork is an active meditation technique that shifts and alchemizes stuck energy in the body.

    Through the power of intentional breath we are able to enter an altered state of consciousness to access, process, and release emotional debris from our cellular memory. This may include working through conditioned behaviors, reprogramming subconscious limiting beliefs, unraveling past traumas, repressed emotions, and physical tension.

    The result is a recalibration of the nervous system, a feeling of clarity, elevation, and alignment.

  • “I’ve never felt so grounded and enlightened at the same time”

  • “Since the session I am less pent up and stuffed down, I love more and laugh louder. Seriously, my kids have been looking at me funny because when they make me laugh, I LAUGH. I have more interest, more spirit, more energy, more motivation and LESS FEAR.”

  • “I’ve never done breathwork before and honestly didn’t know what to expect. My mind was blown. I have done a lot of self-work, taken lots of courses, read lots of books, meditated a ton. THIS. This was life altering!”

  • “Molly made me feel comfortable, she explained the breathwork process in a grounded way, and she set expectations well so that I could drop in for a truly transformative experience. Sidebar: the private session was worth the extra effort – my entire body was buzzing, more than I’ve experienced in any group breathing or self-directed exercises.”

  • “I had an online breathwork session with Molly. I am truly amazed by what I experienced. It was the most incredible experience of my life. I have never experienced anything like that before. At the end of the session I felt massive energy release from my body and so much tingling sensation. I felt I released so much blocked energy out of my body. Loved every bit of it. Molly is a great coach and an amazing person and kept me going throughout the session.”

  • “Molly’s breathwork session was an amazing experience. Her passion and commitment made me feel safe and held even though the session was done remotely. She is very intuitive and gracefully guides you through the tough moments and allows you to get into the flow. After our session, I felt way more present within my body and felt like I had shed so many layers.”

  • “This breathwork session was something that actually felt “out of this world”. During the session I felt my body as I had never experienced it before. It was truly such a beautifully powerful experience that reminded me of how far I have come and all that I still have to work on. Specifically, I am realizing that my spiritual journey must include caring for my physical body as much as caring for my spirit.”

  • “Molly knows this work very well, is very present and I felt completely comfortable and safe..she was encouraging and her energy felt safe and lovely. I was totally blissed out after our session!”

book a session

private sessions offered virtually

single session: $115

four sessions: $400